
Guide Page

Here you can find information on the more advanced gameplay and lore of our site. These guidelines are important if you're new to Blossom or playing a character that has any magical aspect (i.e. mutations, magic, or special bloodline ties); they are not necessary for those playing a more "classic" style wolf.


1. Summary
2. Bloodline Lore Books (open and closed bloodlines)
2. Bloodline Joining Rules (read if you're interested in joining a bloodline)
3. Bloodline Creation Rules (read if you're interested in making a bloodline)


During the Cataclysm, the world once known as Blossom Forest underwent reality-tearing changes that utterly transformed the landscape. Mountains burst forth from rolling plains. An ocean rose and rippled against the shores of a flattened wasteland. New titles made themselves known, territories woken from their slumber with names unheard for millennia... but this was not the end of the metamorphosis.

Mutations. Magic. Power pulled from the heart of the universe itself, fueling a cradled reality that is as hostile as it is beautiful. Those alive during the Cataclysm believed that each new impossibily signaled the start of more stable times...

They were wrong.

In order to feed its own ravenous growth, the world drew upon the energy of those living upon its soil. Wolves fell to the inexorable pull of Slumber like creatures drawn into hibernation; in caves, in forests, in hidden dens, the Sleeping are kept safe in prisons of curling vine and dagger-sharp thorn, protecting their vulnerability even as Blossom Forest devours their dreams.

As territories settle, elemental magic stabilizing where it has seeded itself, some wolves have started to shake off the shackles of their coma. Whether or not they recognize what their home has become while they Slumber remains to be seen.

Bloodline Library


THE ARCUS IRAE - © xathira

THE TEMPESTS - © Azura - |battles simplified|


THE HAKADRAR, Tempest/Vampire variant - © xathira


THE EXOTICA - © Osiris


The Zaba - © Azura

The Chiroptera - © xathira

The Akasha Stratum - © Foxy

The Asokuh - © Osiris

The Primals - © xathira

Joining and Playing a Bloodline

  1. Every player is welcome to apply to join a character of a special magical bloodline, as long as they have read and fully understand each of the lore books and agree to their terms. Open bloodlines are species that anyone may join at any time; closed bloodlines are only open to a select number of players at a time, and require an application process to join.
  2. Anyone interested in playing a bloodline character must have an active Discord account
  3. Closed, but not open, bloodlines may have a waitlist for players who wish to create a character of that species. You must ask the creator of a closed bloodline when applications are open; submitting an application does not guarantee that you will be able to create a character of that species right away.
  4. If you break any of the terms of the magical beings (e.g. roleplay a vampire during the day, not allow your character to be killed if it calls for it) you will be warned to amend the situation. If you do not, you will stripped of whatever bloodline characters you had. Bloodline characters may be restored to the player on a case-by-case basis.
  5. If players go on an indeterminate hiatus (meaning they want to take a break but do not know when they'll be back) OR if they become inactive/fail to respond to an activity check/don't have an active Discord presence, their characters will NOT go up for adoption; however, in the case of missing an activity check, those characters will still need to be rejoined. Character names that are lost as a result of failing to respond to an activity check will be up for grabs.
    - Players who communicate with staff and let us know that they will be inactive for a period of time may rejoin their bloodline characters immediately (players with characters from closed bloodlines may need to discuss reintroduction of their character with the creator).
    - Any closed bloodline characters lost due to soft deletion from the Vault or from a player "ghosting" or missing an activity check may be restored on a case-by-case basis after discussion with the creator. Characters from open bloodlines may be rejoined when the player returns.
  6. It is the player's responsibility to tie up any loose ends and communicate with their roleplay partners if they wish to suggest a specific reason for the absence of their bloodline character; otherwise, just as with non-bloodline breeds, other characters are free to speculate what happened to the wolf that disappeared.
  7. The exception to losing a character while in hiatus/inactivity is if the wolf in question is a vampire. Vampires must still be rolled for every season, or they will starve to death. Players have the option of appointing another player to roll for them while they are gone, or to buy a "season without feeding" prize - which can only be used once every game year (6 months IRL)
  8. Players who quit or are banned from Blossom Forest will have all their bloodline characters deleted. As with all deleted characters, these will be considered dead - and can never be rejoined. Unless the player has written a death post before leaving, deleted bloodline characters will not get a spot on the I Ndilchuimhne (In Memory) board. Players are responsible for communicating with their roleplay partners if they want to explain the specific details of their wolf's death. Players who do not wish their bloodline characters to die should not quit the site, but go on a long hiatus instead. Banned players have no say in this.
  9. If a player quits and returns later, they may join characters from open bloodlines; however, if they had any closed bloodline characters, they will need to wait for that bloodline to reopen and then re-apply for a character slot - just like any new player first entering the site.
  10. Active players who wish to delete their closed bloodline characters may do so at any time for any reason, with the understanding that these characters are dead and may never be rejoined. There are two options for killing off a closed bloodline character:
    - If the player wishes to keep their closed-bloodline slot, they MUST write a post killing off their character. A bloodline character can be killed during fights with another player (at least 300 words per post) or you may kill them yourself (at 1000 words). Only one character can die per post. Admins will put up the death post link on the I Ndilchuimhne board, if the player wishes it. After killing off their character in writing, the player may join a new character of that same breed.
    - If the player wishes to delete their magical being without writing a death post, they may do so - but they will lose their slot. This means they cannot join another character of that magical breed, and must wait until if/when slots for that magical breed become available. It is not guaranteed the new slots will go to these players. Staff may decide to allow the player to give their sacrificed slot to another player.
  11. No rolls for bloodline-associated events (Tempest x soulmate, Tempest x Arcus Irae ward, Vampire x Thofta) will be performed until the scenario is written and posted. All requests must be put on either 1) The magical beings board or 2) PM to a staff member on Discord with all relevant information or it will not be rolled.
  12. For a character to be kicked out of a plot or bloodline, they have to break a rule or law. They first have to be given a warning to allow them to amend the rule breaking. If they do not amend it or if there is a second offense, they will be kicked out, the character deleted.


Submitting a Bloodline

  1. A magical being "bloodline" may be considered "open" or "closed."
    - An open bloodline means that anyone who has read the lore book and understands that breed's rules may join a character of that magical race year-round.
    - A closed bloodline means that only a few select players will have the opportunity to play members of the "first generation" (i.e. original characters not born into the game). Chosen players must apply for a closed-bloodline slot, and applications must be open at least once a year ("when" is up to the creator's discretion). Other players will have the opportunity to have a member of a closed bloodline should any character of that breed have a litter and adopt the pups out (or, in the case of the vampires, that character is infected with vampirism).
  2. When a player submits a bloodline to Blossom Forest - and it is accepted - it is then considered an integral part of the site and its lore. This means that if a bloodline creator leaves the site, any current members of that bloodline WILL NOT BE erased, and new members of that bloodline may continue to be born and joined so long as these characters adhere to the lore book. Creators will always be credited for their work - even if they leave the site.
  3. If the creator wishes their bloodline to go "extinct," this means that no new characters may be born or created from that lineage. Existing characters will not be erased, and depending on fertility rules, may still have children that do not carry any traits of their bloodline (such as a Tempest having normal, non-Tempest or Haeld pups).
  4. Creators may choose to make their bloodlines extinct at any time, whether or not they leave the site, go inactive, or remain active. Creators may attempt to reopen the bloodline three months after it has gone extinct; the bloodline must receive support from a minimum of three players to open again.
  5. If a player leaves or goes inactive without specifying what will happen to their bloodline, it will be assumed that the bloodline is permitted to continue until staff is told otherwise. A player who has left or gone inactive may contact staff at ANY POINT after they are gone to update their bloodlines status.
  6. Creators can decide how an extinct bloodline will return, whether that means current lineage members may start having magical pups again, if current non-magical members of the bloodline gain their birthright, if fresh new characters can be joined, etc.
  7. Before a bloodline - open or closed - can be added to the site, it must be approved by staff. Staff members will discuss all aspects of the bloodline with the creator. A minimum of two staff members must approve the new line - and at least ONE of those staff members must be an admin.
  8. Before the line becomes "official," players must show interest. Once a line has been given the "Okay" by staff, the creator must post their idea on the Plots Board. A minimum of three players must show interest in the line within 30 days of the creator putting their ad on the Plot Board. Once three players have shown support, new characters of this species must be joined on the join board within 30 days. If enough players have not shown interest or joined their characters within these probationary periods, then the bloodline will be tabled. This does NOT mean that the line is done for - rather, the creator must wait three months before submitting the bloodline again.
  9. Players are only allowed to submit ONE open and ONE closed bloodline per year. Open and closed bloodlines may be submitted throughout the year. Closed bloodlines must go through the same probationary periods of garnering interest and joins as open bloodlines.
  10. Creator Responsibility encourages new bloodlines to be active. This is similar to Alphas needing to post every so often to keep their packs. Creators must run "activity checks" for their bloodline at the end of every season; "activity" in this case means that a character has posted at least ONCE that season.
    - If fewer than 3 characters of that species have posted during the season, the bloodline goes extinct. The three minimum characters must belong to three separate players (as a reflection of players showing interest in the bloodline).
  11. Creators may choose how many "slots" each player gets of their special lineage. Slots may be limited or limitless no matter if the species is open or closed. Creators of closed bloodlines may also choose how waitlisting works for their bloodline; however, ALL players must be given the equal opportunity to apply for closed bloodlines.
  12. Creators may ask staff to add prizes to the prize page regarding perks for the bloodlines; they may also request their bloodline to be included in the description of a current prize.


Site History & Information


Blossom Forest was first hosted by Brinkster. The Brinkster account was created on July 17th and by July 27th the site opened. The domain '' was purchased on January 14th.
In January of 2016, Blossom Forest was moved to the AtWebPages address, when the domain was no longer accessible.

Blossom Forest prides itself on the freedom it allows its players: with liquid time and no rigid site-wide plot, the possibilities for storytelling between characters is endless. We welcome writers of all levels, from those just starting to dip their toes in roleplay to advanced veterans. Above and beyond other more "exclusive" sites, Blossom strives to become a safe and fun place for everyone!