
When you join Blossom Forest, you must agree to abide by these rules.

The Basics - Start here if you are new to Blossom Forest, or roleplaying in general!
General rules
Joining Characters (wolves that aren't from special bloodlines)
Pack life (joining a pack)
Mates and mating (making relationships and pups)

The Rest - These are additional/advanced aspects of gameplay
Alphas (this includes how to gain an alphaship, and how to maintain one)
In-Character Fighting (general fighting rules, as well as alternative battle guidelines)
Joining a Bloodline (how to make a character that is part of an open - or closed - special bloodline)
Creating a Bloodline (how to create and submit your own bloodline)


  1. All players must be respectful in how they talk to one another OOC. Drama should stay IC both on the website and in the Blossom Forest Discord.
  2. All questions, comments, and concerns may be directed toward site staff: [xathira + other admins/mods] either on our OOC board or by contacting any staff member directly.
  3. If you include explicit or gratuitous swearing in your posts, suggestive themes, or graphic violence, include the [R] tag in your subject.
  4. Posts must be a minimum of 300 words.
  5. Colored subject/name lines are permitted! However, you may only use colors that are easy on the eyes, and you must remember to close your tags. Staff will decide what to do about problematic HTML.
  6. Wolves cannot be killed without their player's permission with the following exceptions:
    -They trespass onto pack territory without consulting the players of the pack wolves.
    - Magical rules (including starved vampires, dying in a Tempest vs Vampire battle).
  7. Seasons will change on a month-and-a-half basis until further notice.
  8. WIP posts must be posted within 24 hours or they may be deleted. Please do not skip posting order unless 1 week has passed since the last post.
  9. Any characters who are not posted to site-wide activity checks will be considered on hiatus and must be rejoined before they can be played. If during that time another character is made with that name, you must choose a new name.
  10. Any characters you delete on the Updates board will not be allowed to be rejoined - they are considered dead and may not be resurrected.
  11. The time required to run the diameter of a pack is 24 hours. The time required to travel from the northernmost aspect to the southernmost aspect is 7 days (without any breaks to sleep). Keep this in mind.
  12. Powerplaying and/or godmoding is only allowed when two players mutually agree on it, or when a wolf trespasses into a pack (see pack rules)



  1. You must wait for a welcoming post from one of the acceptors in reply to your joining post before posting anywhere on this site.
  2. Please include the following in your join posts:
    Name: Please search the Joining Board and Members Page for the name you're about to join to make sure the name isn't already claimed.
    Age: Pup, teen or adult. Convert your '5 winters' or '2 years' to whatever term you think fits (pup, teen or adult.)
    Gender: Male or Female. Wolves may be any gender identity: please specify if necessary.
    Appearance: Describe the appearance of your wolf. All eye colors are accepted within reason, but only natural coat colors and markings are accepted - unless you're joining a special bloodline.
    Personality: Required (unless joining an unborn pup from an in-site litter).
    History and Picture: Both optional. If using an image, you must give credit. Uncredited images will not be permitted (no, "Google" is not a proper picture credit).
    Player (OOC) Name: If you're new, think of an alias! It can always be changed later.
    Contact Information: Optional. Includes email, Discord tag, etc.
    Breed: Required. Please see the acceptable breeds on the join board. This is helpful for determining stats for pups and also for consistency.
    Lineage (if joining a pup conceived in-game): Required
  3. The rules for joining kalaks (maned wolves) are stricter than those for joining other species. See the Character Creation Guide for more information.



  1. To join a pack, simply post your wolf in-character on the pack's page. Include "joining" somewhere in your subject line, so the alpha knows the purpose of your post.
  2. The alphas can accept, exile, or attack wolves that are posted in their territories. Players of alphas do NOT need the permission of other players to go through with these actions, although an in-character warning prior to attacking a wolf is polite.
  3. The alphas determine your rank. Different packs may have different ranking systems. Wolves being mates does not guarantee that they will share the same rank.
  4. Please respect pack borders. Make it clear that your wolf is outside the pack borders in your joining post. Trespassers will be warned and possibly driven out by existing pack members. Additionally, if your non-pack wolf is outnumbered, he/she could realistically be killed in the process. Pack members and alphas do not need permission from other players to drive out trespassers.
  5. If a pack falls inactive - i.e. there are less than Three Players playing Four Wolves in the pack at the end of a season (1.5 months) - then the territory will be closed. Staff will make a post about a disaster or magical event that makes the pack temporarily uninhabitable.
  6. For inactive packs that have ACTIVE alphas, the alpha will keep their crown should that territory reopen. The player of the alpha may also choose to recruit wolves to open a different territory at ANY TIME.
  7. For inactive packs that have INACTIVE alphas, the inactive alpha will lose their crown. The player of that dethroned alpha will not be able to reclaim the crown if that territory is reopened, and they must wait 30 days before they can start recruiting for a different territory.
  8. If an alpha has just recently reopened the pack, the other players that helped open that pack have 30 days to post their own wolves in response to the alpha's claim. Failure to do so will result in closure of the pack.



  1. Only three standard ages are accepted: pup, teen and adult.
  2. A pup must stay a pup for at least 1 game year (6 months) and not more than 2 game years (1 full real-life year).
  3. A teenager must stay a teenager for at least 1 game year (6 months) and not more than 2 game years (1 full real-life year).
  4. After joining a new wolf (that isn't a part of a current litter), that wolf must wait at least 1 game season before aging
  5. Wolves aren't required to die of old age. Blossom Forest acts as a sort of "limbo," where wolves may die of other causes.
  6. All members of the same litter must be the same age and age up at the same time.



  1. Your wolf can be any sexuality you want.
  2. You do not have to ask for your alphas' permission to have a mate.
  3. Mates do not have to be the same rank.
  4. Polyamory is permitted - a wolf may breed with any consenting mate and is not restricted to having a single monogamous lover.
  5. Breeding is allowed during Winter, and whelping happens in the Spring. The exception is Tempests, who are nonseasonal breeders. Their pups will be born one season later. Hopeful parents should post on the designated breeding board to receive rolls for pups.
  6. Breeding requests belong on the Breeding Board. Include the stats of each parent with plenty of detail; staff will decide how many pups you have and their stats.
  7. You will have to join the pups on the Joining Board before they are born and after their stats have been given (include the parents' names). Pups must be joined within two weeks of their stats being rolled.
  8. Dual-sires are allowed.
  9. Once a player is given a pup, they own that character, and it cannot be taken away from them.
  10. In the event that a player leaves Blossom Forest or goes on a long/indeterminate hiatus, the following guidelines will be followed:
    - If one player leaves before a litter is born but the other player stays, the remaining player gets to decide if the litter is born or not - regardless if the remaining player owns the father or mother of the litter.
    - he only time that a litter which has been rolled for will not be born is in the event that both players of the parents leave. In this case, pups with these designs may be joined - but they will not be the canon children of the wolves who left the site. If this litter is a magical litter - i.e. Tempest or Arcus Irae pups - players must discuss with staff the backstories of these pups before they are joined.
  11. Graphic breeding is allowed but you have to put up a maturity warning [M] in your subject line and a disclaimer in your post, or the thread will be deleted. The disclaimer is as follows: "This post contains graphic content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. If you read/participate in this thread, you are certifying that you are AT LEAST 18 years old or older. Minors are not permitted to read/participate in graphic threads."


Alphas and Packs

  1. Currently, players may play as many alphas as they can keep active; however, no one player can play the alpha of EVERY pack.
  2. Mates of alphas are not usually considered true "alphas" in that they are not expected to fulfill the rules of a primary alpha. The player of an alpha's mate does not need to uphold the same level of activity as the primary alpha - unless the primary alpha falls inactive, and the mate must step up to keep the pack from being lost.
  3. There are two ways for a player to gain an alphaship: challenging or recruiting.
  4. To challenge for leadership of a pack, the hopeful player must post their wolf in-character on the pack board they wish to take over with "challenge" in their subject line. This challenging post must be at least 300 words. Current alphas must respond to the challenging post within ONE WEEK by replying to the challenger & posting at Blican Orlege, or the challenger automatically wins. As with the challenger, the alpha's acceptance must be at least 300 words. Only one fight is necessary to determine alphaship; players may choose roleplay-only or dice-roll.
  5. Recruiting is necessary to open a territory that is closed. The player of the alpha must recruit three more wolves to form a nascent pack. This is a "Three Players, Four Wolves" rule: a minimum of three players (the alpha-player and two other players) and four wolves (the alpha and three other wolves) is required. The alpha may play one of the three extra wolves needed to open the territory, but no more than that (conversely, another player may play two of the needed wolves). All recruiting must be done on the Plots Page in the Chatter section of the site. Hopeful alphas have 30 days to garner support for their alpha; if they fail to reach the Three Players, Four Wolves sweet spot, they must wait another month to try and recruit again.
  6. Once the Three Player, Four Wolves quota has been reached, the alpha must post on the pack board to officially claim that territory. Include "claim" in the subject line. As with all official posts, this claiming post must be at least 300 words.
  7. Alphas must post at least ONCE A SEASON on order to keep their packs. An active alpha does not necessarily need to post inside of their pack; alphas with threads on other boards are still considered active, and may keep their territories.
  8. If an alpha fails to be active, they will immediately lose their throne. Loss of a throne is NOT the same as closure of a territory. Staff will decide what happens to the throne; whether the ruler is replaced through a contest, a battle, etc. An heir may inherit the throne if the heir is NOT played by the inactive alpha.
  9. If a pack falls inactive - i.e. there are less than Three Players playing Four Wolves in the pack at the end of a season (1.5 months) - then the territory will be closed. Staff will make a post about a disaster or magical event that makes the pack temporarily uninhabitable.
  10. For inactive packs that have ACTIVE alphas, the alpha will keep their crown should that territory reopen. The player of the alpha may also choose to recruit wolves to open a different territory.
  11. For inactive packs that have INACTIVE alphas, the inactive alpha will lose their crown. The player of that dethroned alpha will not be able to reclaim the crown if that territory is reopened, and they must wait 30 days before they can start recruiting for a different territory.
  12. New alphas are given a 30-day grace period wherein they cannot be challenged.


In-Character Fighting

  1. Godmodding and powerplaying are forbidden. Use of either will result in an automatic forfeit. If you are unsure if your post contains godmodding or powerplaying, you may ask a staff member to check.
  2. ALL challenges for an alpha position happen in Blican Orlege. Within this circle of huge magical crystals, all magic is stripped from contenders to level the playing field.
  3. Challenges for other ranks may take place in Blican Orlege, or the pack board.
  4. Alphas cannot refuse challenges, although if for some reason they are unable to fight (pregnancy, pacifism, etc.) the alpha may appoint another pack member to fight in their stead.
  5. Staff judges all fights. You may request a judge on the OOC board, or in the Discord. Judging is based on adherence to the rules, length and quality of posts, creativity, spelling, grammar, and damage taken overall. Remember to take account for your wolves injuries; characters that sustain realistic damage may be judged more favorably than those that try to understate their injuries!
  6. Each wolf may do up to four attacks; they will also have one full dodge and two half-dodges, and MUST take one hit for full damage. Generally, a fight will be structured like this (although guidelines may be changed if both players agree):
    - One post to set the fight up (and establish rules or stakes)
    - Two posts for attacks (each wolf may do a maximum of four attacks)
    - One post to react to damage done, and conclude the fight
  7. All fights must be done in-character. Players have the option to add an additional element to their battles: the use of dice. For the guidelines of incorporating dice into a fight, please see the Dice Battles document.


Joining and Playing a Bloodline

  1. Every player is welcome to apply to join a character of a special magical bloodline, as long as they have read and fully understand each of the lore books and agree to their terms. Open bloodlines are species that anyone may join whenever; closed bloodlines are only open to a select number of players at a time, and require an application process to join.
  2. Anyone interested in playing a magical character must have an active Discord account
  3. Closed, but not open, bloodlines may have a waitlist for players who wish to create a character of that species. You must ask the creator of a closed bloodline when applications are open; submitting an application does not guarantee that you will be able to create a character of that species right away.
  4. If you break any of the terms of the magical beings (e.g. roleplay a vampire during the day, not allow your character to be killed if it calls for it) you will be warned to amend the situation. If you do not, you will stripped of whatever magical characters you had and not allowed to have any further ones for 3 months. If you do it again, your character will be permanently killed and you will not be allowed to have magical characters for a full year.
  5. If players go on an indeterminate hiatus (meaning they want to take a break but do not know when they'll be back) OR if they become inactive/fail to respond to an activity check/don't have an active Discord presence, their characters will NOT go up for adoption; however, in the case of missing an activity check, those characters will still need to be rejoined. Character names that are lost as a result of failing to respond to an activity check will be up for grabs.
    - Players who communicate with staff and let us know that they will be inactive for a period of time may rejoin their special characters immediately (as long as they ask the creators of closed bloodlines if they can have their character again).
    - Players who "ghost" the site will need to earn back their magical beings. This can be done by posting at least 5 times, at least 300 words per post, during a season. These posts should be recorded on the Activity Checks page.
  6. It is the player's responsibility to tie up any loose ends and communicate with their roleplay partners if they wish to suggest a specific reason for the absence of their magical character; otherwise, just as with non-magical breeds, other characters are free to speculate what happened to the magical being who disappeared.
  7. The exception to losing a character while in hiatus/inactivity is if the magical being in question is a vampire. Vampires must still be rolled for every season, or they will starve to death. Players have the option of appointing another player to roll for them while they are gone, or to buy a "season without feeding" prize - which can only be used once every game year (6 months IRL)
  8. Players who quit or are banned from Blossom Forest will have all their magical beings deleted. As with all deleted characters, these will be considered dead - and can never be rejoined. Unless the player has written a death post before leaving, their deleted magical being will not get a spot on the I Ndilchuimhne board. They are responsible for communicating with their roleplay partners if they want to explain the specific details of their magical being's death. Players who do not wish their magical beings to die should not quit the site, but go on a long hiatus instead. Banned players have no say in this.
  9. If staff deems it appropriate, a free magical being slot may be offered to players who deserve it. This slot is not an adoption of the magical character; rather, it is an opportunity to create an entirely new character of that magical breed.
  10. If a player quits and returns later, their magical being slot will not be waiting for them, and they must wait for staff to decide if and when they will have the opportunity to play a magical being again. This does not apply to magical bloodlines that are open for anyone to play.
  11. If the deleted character is a mutant, no free slot will be available. This is because mutations are technically open for everyone.
  12. Active players who wish to delete their magical beings may do so at any time for any reason, with the understanding that these characters are dead and may never be rejoined. There are two options for killing off a magical being:
    - If the player wishes to keep their slot, they MUST write a post killing off their magical character. A magical being can be killed during fights with another player (>300 words) or you may kill them yourself (>1000 words). Only one magical being can die per post. Admins will put up the death post link on the I Ndilchuimhne board. After killing off their character in writing, the player may join a new character of that same magical breed.
    - If the player wishes to delete their magical being without writing a death post, they may do so - but they will lose their slot. This means they cannot join another character of that magical breed, and must wait until if/when slots for that magical breed become available. It is not guaranteed the new slots will go to these players. Staff may decide to allow the player to give their sacrificed slot to another player.
  13. No rolls for magic-associated things (Tempest x soulmate, Tempest x Arcus Irae ward, Vampire x Thofta) will be performed until the corresponding post is written and posted. All requests must be put on either 1) The magical beings board or 2) PM to a staff member on Discord with all relevant information or it will not be rolled.
  14. For a character to be kicked out of a plot or bloodline, they have to break a rule or law. They first have to be given a warning to allow them to amend the rule breaking. If they do not amend it or if there is a second offense, they will be kicked out, the character deleted.


Submitting a Bloodline

  1. A magical being "bloodline" may be considered "open" or "closed." An open bloodline means that anyone who has read the lore book and understands that breed's rules may join a character of that magical race. A closed bloodline is one in which only selected players may apply for to join; other players will have the opportunity to have a member of a closed bloodline should any character of that breed have a litter and adopt the pups out (or, in the case of the vampires, that character is infected with vampirism). The "password" for each bloodline will change every so often. An active Discord account is required for anyone interested in playing a magical character or submitting a special bloodline.
  2. When a player submits a bloodline to Blossom Forest - and it is accepted - it is then considered an integral part of the site and its lore. This means that if a bloodline creator leaves the site, any current members of that bloodline WILL NOT BE erased.
  3. If the creator wishes their bloodline to go "extinct," this means that no new characters may be born or created from that lineage. Existing characters will not be erased, and depending on fertility rules, may still have children that do not carry any traits of their bloodline (such as a Tempest having normal, non-Tempest or Haeld pups).
  4. Creators may choose to make their bloodlines extinct at any time, whether or not they leave the site, go inactive, or remain active. Creators may attempt to reopen the bloodline three months after it has gone extinct; the bloodline must receive support from a minimum of three players to open again.
  5. If a player leaves or goes inactive without specifying what will happen to their bloodline, it will be assumed that the bloodline is permitted to continue until staff is told otherwise. A player who has left or gone inactive may contact staff at ANY POINT after they are gone to update their bloodlines status.
  6. Creators can decide how an extinct bloodline will return, whether that means current lineage members may start having magical pups again, if current non-magical members of the bloodline gain their birthright, if fresh new characters can be joined, etc.
  7. Before a bloodline - open or closed - can be added to the site, it must be approved by staff. Staff members will discuss all aspects of the bloodline with the creator. A minimum of two staff members must approve the new line - and at least ONE of those staff members must be an admin.
  8. Before the line becomes "official," players must show interest. Once a line has been given the "Okay" by staff, the creator must post their idea on the Plots Board. A minimum of three players must show interest in the line within 30 days of the creator putting their ad on the Plot Board. Once three players have shown support, new characters of this species must be joined on the join board within 30 days. If enough players have not shown interest or joined their characters within these probationary periods, then the bloodline will be tabled. This does NOT mean that the line is done for - rather, the creator must wait three months before submitting the bloodline again.
  9. Players are only allowed to submit ONE open and ONE closed bloodline per year. Open and closed bloodlines may be submitted throughout the year. Closed bloodlines must go through the same probationary periods of garnering interest and joins as open bloodlines.
  10. Creator Responsibility encourages new bloodlines to be active. This is similar to Alphas needing to post every so often to keep their packs. Creators must run "activity checks" for their bloodline at the end of every season; "activity" in this case means that a character has posted at least ONCE that season. If fewer than 3 characters of that species have posted during the season, the bloodline goes extinct. The three minimum characters must belong to three separate players (as a reflection of players showing interest in the bloodline).
  11. Creators may choose how many "slots" each player gets of their special lineage. Slots may be limited or limitless no matter if the species is open or closed. Creators of closed bloodlines may also choose how waitlisting works for their bloodline; however, ALL players must be given the equal opportunity to apply for closed bloodlines.
  12. Creators may ask staff to add prizes to the prize page regarding perks for the bloodlines; they may also request their bloodline to be included in the description of a current prize.



As the staff of this site, we may change the rules anytime with or without written notices.

Azura and Xathira as administrators have the final say on all matters on this site. We really appreciate being treated with respect and will do our best to deal with issues fairly.

Current mods: Casey

Sandra Kuo retains all rights to the name and the site Blossom Forest.