Once upon a time...

The Slumber... a creeping curse that drags wolves under the waves of a deathlike sleep, dreamless and unknowing, trapped in a bed of thorny vines. What began as a unpredictable phenomenon spread throughout a world newly Blessed by magic until most of the living population succumbed; for that magic to fully awaken, it seems, the rest of the world was doomed to rest.
Those left behind roam the landscape as it continues to transform, ever-shifting at the whim of impossible cosmic powers. Are you one of the abandoned, waiting for your loved ones to escape their Slumber? Or will you join as an intrepid soul exploring Blossom Forest for the first time?

Blossom Forest is currently open and accepting!

We value - and strongly encourage - creativity and collaboration. Our members decide how the site evolves, which makes us one of the most interactive and community-centered roleplaying sites out there.

Although Blossom allows wolves with one of our three main mutations (Avian, Vipera, or Cervidae) - many characters are wolves unaffected by magic, allowing players to choose among both "fantastical" and "classic" immersion.

Please see the rules and guidelines before playing the game. Blossom runs on EST.

The current season is: Winter until January 1st
Snow falls upon the bare black arms of naked trees; the mountains are capped with icy white, slicing into an electric blue sky; everywhere water is freezing into sheets of glassy ice, while frost sparkles on grass.
BREEDING is currently: CLOSED
BIRTHING is currently: CLOSED

November 2021:
- Blossom forest is currently open and accepting.
- Our rules have changed to be clearer and more casual for returning players and new players alike.
- All open bloodlines are able to be joined at this time. Check the Mutations Guide for information on joining a tier 1 mutant.
Character of the Month: -
Couple of the Month: -
Thread of the Month: -
Pack of the Month: -
Player of the Month: -
Quote of the Month: -
Open Posts:

- Check back later.
- Check back later.

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